martes, 19 de octubre de 2021

How to Overcome a Rough Past: The Verywell Mind Podcast

Tune in to hear Mötley Crüe's Nikki Sixx share how he overcame a rough past.
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Healthy Mind
How to Overcome a Rough Past With Mötley Crüe's Nikki Sixx
Amy Morin, LCSW
Verywell Mind Editor-in-Chief
On today's episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, I talk with Nikki Sixx, the co-founder, bassist, and primary songwriter for the legendary rock band Mötley Crüe. He's also a member of the successful band Sixx:A.M.
In his best-selling book, "The Heroin Diaries," he shared journal entries from the days he was doing hard drugs, and what it was like for the people around him to see his descent into drug use.

Now, he's written a new book called "The First 21" where he shares how his upbringing shaped him. The adversity he experienced as a child is linked to his addiction. But he's sober now and he's sharing how his rough past made him mentally stronger.

Tune in to hear his story and how his strategies for overcoming his rough past may help others, too.

Why Nikki Sixx Is Mentally Strong

When Nikki was young, his father left. His sister, who was born with down syndrome, was placed in a residential facility. And then, his mother left the family too.

He was raised primarily by his grandparents. The family moved frequently and didn't have a lot of money.

Fortunately, Nikki found music to help him cope. Unfortunately, however, he also found drugs. He battled addiction for years.

Unlike many rock stars whose addiction ends in tragedy, Nikki was able to get sober. During his recovery he worked through the unresolved issues from his childhood. He's open about the fact that he attends therapy and that he makes his mental health a top priority.

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I suggest putting the baggage down and seeing what life feels like to not be carrying around all this because it gets heavy."

— NIkki Sixx  

What You'll Hear on the Show
  • The "aha moment" that helped Nikki knew what he wanted to do with his life
  • How the first 21 years shaped Nikki's life
  • How feelings about certain events in our lives often come up later
  • What it was like for Nikki to relapse after 20 years of sobriety
  • How Nikki stays creative
  • How Nikki uses meditation in his life
  • Why stability is a major component of his current success
  • How therapy has helped Nikki make sense of his past
  • The role journaling has played in his life
  • How he changed the story that he'd been telling himself about his childhood
What You'll Learn About Mental Health and Mental Strength

Childhood adversity can take a lifelong toll on us. It can certainly lead to unhealthy behaviors during adulthood, such as addiction.

Fortunately, it's never too late to learn healthier coping skills. Some strategies that could help might involve self-help strategies, like writing in a journal or reading books. Other strategies may include professional help, like seeing a therapist.

It's tempting to avoid the emotional pain that stems from past trauma or difficult experiences. But the key to becoming better and growing stronger is about addressing those issues head-on.
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